Total Commander 7.50 Beta 4 发布!

Total Commander 7.50 Beta 4 发布!

  28.05.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 4
  28.05.09 Fixed: When a disconnected network drive was reconnected, the drive’s icon wasn’t refreshed in the drive dropdown list
  27.05.09 Fixed: Shift+Cursor up/down in drive dropdown list selected file in file list
  27.05.09 Fixed: Access violation in icon thread when closing TC with open separate tree (fix should also improve the general stability)
  27.05.09 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, branch view: When sorting by name, keep sort order from main window (sort just by name, not by relative path+name)
  27.05.09 Fixed: Function to save current selection could crash with file names longer than 511 characters (e.g. in branch view)
  27.05.09 Fixed: Quick filter wasn’t removed when user opened a new tab by Ctrl+clicking on a button (or Shift+Enter in Ctrl+D menu) when command “cd xyz” was pointing to a file
  27.05.09 Fixed: Yes/No button in copy to dir warning dialog not translated
  26.05.09 Fixed: Mouse wheel no longer worked in Lister

关于Total Commander实现QuickSearchPro功能的说法 via

发信人: shanny (潇风·失过业,完整了), 信区: TotalCommander
标 题: QuickSearchPro不会再更新了
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May 27 10:24:24 2009), 站内



发信人: shanny (潇风·失过业,完整了), 信区: TotalCommander
标 题: Re: QuickSearchPro不会再更新了
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May 27 11:27:59 2009), 站内

没错,会添加 wcmd_chn.dll 来支持中文查找

【 在 xuanqing (玄清|黑白猫熊@静若处子动如光) 的大作中提到: 】
: 就是说会用内置的dll之类的方法支持不同非英语言的快速查找么?


《“Total Commander 7.50 Beta 4 发布!”》 有 17 条评论

  1. 基本上都是fixed啊,怎么没看到实现QuickSearchPro功能的官方描述呢?对“已经/将要实现QuickSearchPro功能。”的说法感到不解,要么就是已经,要么就是将要,这两个怎么可能并列呢?

  2. G老讲的
    OK, here is the PinYin search (first character only) for TC 7.5 beta 4 now:

    Auto-installing dll:


    IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to close and restart Total Commander after installing the search tool to use it.

    I’m using a binary table created from the “Unicode Pinyin table” available here:

    To rebuild the table tcmatch.tbl, you need to delete tcmatch.tbl, then unpack Uni2Pinyin.Z (with Z plugin) to TC dir, and rename the file to tcmatch.txt.

    Then restart TC and search for some Chinese character. The addon will then automatically rebuild the table.

    I have no idea how well it works, it worked OK with all the Chinese characters I tried. The tcmatch.tbl supports up to 3 variations per character. The few characters with more than 3 are handled internally by tcmatch.dll.

    The dll interface is very simple:
    BOOL __stdcall MatchFileW(WCHAR* Filter,WCHAR* FileName);

  3. 发信人: PhotonRain (Emacsir), 信区: TotalCommander
    标 题: TC quicksereach pro 官方版
    发信站: 水木社区 (Fri May 29 12:53:47 2009), 站内

    OK, here is the PinYin search (first character only) for TC 7.5 beta 4 now:

    Auto-installing dll:


    IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to close and restart Total Commander after installing the search tool to use it.

    I’m using a binary table created from the “Unicode Pinyin table” available here:

    To rebuild the table tcmatch.tbl, you need to delete tcmatch.tbl, then unpack Uni2Pinyin.Z (with Z plugin) to TC dir, and rename the file to tcmatch.txt.

    Then restart TC and search for some Chinese character. The addon will then automatically rebuild the table.

    I have no idea how well it works, it worked OK with all the Chinese characters I tried. The tcmatch.tbl supports up to 3 variations per character. The few characters with more than 3 are handled internally by tcmatch.dll.

    The dll interface is very simple:
    BOOL __stdcall MatchFileW(WCHAR* Filter,WCHAR* FileName);

