Unreal Commander:免费的Total Commander克隆品(有请志愿者翻译)

Unreal Commander 是一款双窗口文件管理器,在功能、界面、热键方面完全学习 Total Commander(被称为 Total Commander 的克隆品),而支持Unicode、支持背景图和主题、完全免费。可作为 Total Commander 的免费替代品 [1]  [2]

今天看到 Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 752) 又升级了,决定征集志愿者翻译其官网与帮助(中文语言包已有),以推广这个与Total Commander最接近的免费文件管理器。以前和开发者联系过翻译事宜,他不积极,所以,今天决定我们直接翻译并发布在这里。因为内容不多,所以,翻译后合并为一页发布。如下文字需要翻译,欢迎留言提交。我周末合并之。

Unreal Commander

Unreal Commander功能特点:

  - 双窗口并列显示。
  - 支持UNICODE。
  - 增强的搜索功能。
  - 文件批量改名功能。
  - 同步目录。
  - 支持压缩文件ZIP, RAR, ACE, CAB, JAR, TAR, LHA, GZ, TGZ
  - 内置FTP客户端。
  - 目录标签(tabs)
  - 支持 WLX 和 WCX 插件。
  - 内置快速查看功能。
  - 支持网络。
  - 支持拖放。
  - 历史记录、快速文件列表。
  - 支持后台复制/移动/删除文件。
  - 安全删除文件。
  - 支持背景图片。
  - 界面风格:文件颜色分类,任何界面和元素的字体设置。
  - 更多……

待译:Version 0.96. Release date: October 29, 2009

New panel redrawing system
Text comparison mode
Multiple archive extraction
Multiple file hashing
Hash file check by click
Possibility to keep the program’s ini files in the user profile directory
Colored drag and drop cursors
ARJ archiver support
Panel scrolling while dragging and dropping
Striped mode (code name “zebra”)
Possibility to change the fonts in directory tab headers, file table headers, and FTP client status bar
Possibility to cancel task size calculation
Prior deletion of existing files when uploading a file with the same name over FTP
Choosing the copy direction of all directory files when synchronizing
Manual file name editing in the multi-rename tool
Automatic plugin installation system
Assigning the server’s file date when downloading over FTP
Possibility to copy/move directories’ comments
Empty directories deletion after synchronization (optional)
Network and FTP caching
Colored icons for buttons F3-F8 (function buttons)
Shadowing background windows (optional)
Bigger icon button size
Possibility to start the program having another user’s rights
Possibility to start a copy of the program from any directory’s context menu
Use of SSL/TLS for FTP connections
Showing tasks queue in the cancel dialog
Automatic hot keys assigning mode

Program’s hanging after directory changing or file group renaming
Panel’s hanging while scrolling line by line
Wrong speed calculation while downloading/uploading files
Wrong files search in hex mode
Wrong sorting of national symbols (in some cases)
Problem with uploading a directory when a directory with the same name already exists on the FTP server
Incorrect comment saving to .bbs files
No possibility to delete a directory when it has a description file
Flash disk blocking when the user has changes the drive
File blocking while comparison


Creation/updating of license keys absolutely free-of-charge. The key can be received as in an automatic mode through built in means Unreal Commander, and in manual using this page. For creation/updating of keys you should possess one or several System IDs (are created by Unreal Commander through the license management).

shortcut keys

Esc Deselect all
Ctrl+A Select all files (repeated pressing select dirs too)
NUM+ Select file(s) with mask
NUM- Deselect file(s) with mask
NUM* Invert files selection
Ctrl+NUM* Invert files and directories selection
NUM/ Restore selection
Ctrl+NUM+ Select all
Ctrl+NUM- Deselect all
Alt+NUM+ Select all files with the same extension
Alt+NUM- Deselect all files with the same extension
Insert Select file or directory under the cursor
Space Select file or directory under the cursor. If SPACE is used on an unselected directory under the cursor, the contents in this directory are counted.
Shift+Left/Right/Up/Down Files selection in a corresponding direction

Enter Change directory / run program / run associated program / execute command line if not empty
Ctrl+PageDown Open directory/archive (also self extracting .EXE archives)
Alt+F1 Change left drive
Alt+F2 Change right drive
Ctrl+PageUp Back to parent directory
Backspace Back to parent directory
Ctrl+\ Jump to the root directory
Alt+Left/Right Go to previous/next dir of already visited dirs
Alt+down Open history list of already visited dirs
Alt+F8 Opens the history list of the command line
Shift+F10 Show context menu
TAB Switch between panels
Ctrl+I Switch between panels
Ctrl+Left/Right Open directory/archive and display it at the target panel. If the cursor is not on a directory name, the current directory is displayed instead
Ctrl+T Open new folder tab and activate it
Ctrl+Shift+T Open new folder tab in background
Ctrl+W Close current tab
Ctrl+Shift+W Close all tabs
Ctrl+Up Open dir under cursor in new tab
Ctrl+Shift+Up Open dir under cursor in other window (new tab)
Ctrl+TAB Jump to next tab
Ctrl+Shift+TAB Jump to previous tab

File operations
F3 View files
F4 Edit files
Shift+F4 Create new text file and load into editor
F5 Copy files
F6 Rename or move files
Shift+F6 Rename of file/dir
F7 Create directory
F8 Delete files to recycled bin
Shift+F8 Delete files from disc
Ctrl+F8 Delete files with WIPE
Alt+F3 Use alternate (external or internal) viewer
Alt+F5 Pack files
Alt+F7 Search files
Ctrl+X Cut files to clipboard
Ctrl+C Copy files to clipboard
Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard to current dir
Ctrl+Q Quick view panel instead of file window
Ctrl+M Multi-rename tool

Display of files/dirs
Ctrl+F1 File display ‘brief’ (only file names)
Ctrl+F2 File display ‘full’ (with file details)
Ctrl+F3 Sort by name
Ctrl+F4 Sort by extension
Ctrl+F5 Sort by size
Ctrl+F6 Sort by date/time
Ctrl+F7 Unsorted
Ctrl+F10 Show all files (*.*)
Ctrl+F11 Show only programs (*.EXE;*.COM;*.BAT;*.PIF;*.LNK;*.CMD)
Ctrl+F12 Set file extension filter
Alt+Shift+Enter The contents of all directories in the current directory are counted
Alt+Enter Show property sheet
Ctrl+D Open directory hotlist
F2 Reread active panel file list
Ctrl+R Reread active panel file list

Ctrl+F Connect to FTP server
Ctrl+Shift+F Disconnect from FTP server
Ctrl+Shift+M Change FTP transfer mode

Command line
Ctrl+P Copy current path to command line
Ctrl+Enter Copy file name to command line
Ctrl+Shift+Enter Copy file name to command line (include path)
A-Z, 1-0 Type command to command line

Work with Uncom main window
Shift+Esc Minimizes Uncom to an icon
Alt+Ctrl+Backspace Set Uncom focused (returning from the minimized condition or blocking by other windows)
Alt+F4 Close Uncom


主程序(下载):Unreal Commander 0.96 (build 752),3429 Kb
主题(下载):Graphics X-Pack v.21,964KB
简体中文语言文件(下载):version 0.95


  - 下载包:3-MB
  - 安装后:5+MB
  - 运行内存:15MB

  - 下载中文语言包,将Languages目录解压到Unreal Commander目录下。


  [1]: Total Commander 的免费替代品中,综合实力最强的是 Free Commander,风格与TC最接近的则是本款 Unreal Commander,而跨平台的则是 Double Commander 。对 Freecommander 和 Double Commander,不再重复介绍,请访问悠游绿洲的文章:免费、开源、跨平台的资源管理器–Double Commander免费、强大的资源管理器–FreeCommanderFreecommander常见问题及小技巧收集
  [2]: 参见水木社区 TC 版 关于Unreal Commander的讨论




《“Unreal Commander:免费的Total Commander克隆品(有请志愿者翻译)”》 有 30 条评论

  1. 请大家关注一下这个软件:

    • 后退、分区等控制按钮有些不方便,不能查看图片,期望多改进~


  2. 嗯, unreal commander一直是我的备用, 因为设置好后和total commander太象了. 楼上的那个tab commander要去看看, 因为喜欢单文件的.

  3. 真不好用啊

    • MDIE很不错的,我也用过一两年(现在用Q-Dir)

      MIDE 和xplorer2、DirectoryOpus等风格相对较接近,更接近windows explorer的直接衍生品,上手更易一些。和TC、FC等相比,设计风格与定位不同,各有特色,适合不同的人群吧

  4. 我一直觉得很稀奇,
    如果只用键盘控制,我莫如用命令行,windows那个power shell,虽然抄BASH抄的不怎么成功,不过基本功能都有了

  5. sorry 经常来这里,不过很少留言。



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